Browse Items (90 total)

"Academic Freedom in the University," page one
Copy of Richard Hofstadter's commencement address at the University of California, Berkeley, in May 1967. Hofstadter discussed academic freedom in the university, touching on many of the same ideas that he would again emphasize at his famous Columbia…

Correspondence with Harvey Swados, 1965
Correspondence between Richard Hofstadter and the left-wing writer and critic Harvey Swados regarding The Paranoid Style in American Politics in late 1965.

Letter from Taylor Caldwell, 1956 (page one)
A 1956 letter to Richard Hofstadter from right-wing novelist Taylor Caldwell in response to his 1954 article, "The Pseudo-Conservative Revolt," which was later republished in the 1965 collection, The Paranoid Style in American Politics.

Box 22 Misc. reviews and articles written for various publications Letter to NYT.jpg
Letter from Richard Hofstadter to the editors of The New York Times regarding Arizona senator Barry Goldwater, June 16, 1964.

Lecture Announcement, March 13, 1962
Announcement of a lecture, by Richard Hofstadter, entitled "The Place of Principle in Politics," appearing in Town Hall (Los Angeles), March 13, 1962. In his lecture, Hofstadter discussed the problem of the conflation of morality with politics in the…

Extreme Right Memo
A report on right-wing extremism that Richard Hofstadter wrote for the Fund for the Republic in 1957.

Letter from Woodward, page one
Correspondence between Richard Hofstadter and historian C. Vann Woodward regarding a draft of Hofstadter's book, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life, May 1962.

Phi Beta Kappa Book Awards
Photograph of Richard Hofstadter with the other recipients of the 1963 Phi Beta Kappa Book Awards. Hofstadter won for Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.

Review ofAnti-Intellectualism in American Life, May 15, 1963
Reviews of Anti-Intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstadter.

The Genteel Reformers
"Idealists and Professors and Sore-heads," an article by Richard Hofstadter that appeared in Columbia University Forum, Spring 1962.

Statement on Loyalty Oaths
A statement by Richard Hofstadter declaring his opposition to student loyalty oaths, 1960. Also included is a copy of a loyalty oath form, which was required as part of the National Defense Education Act of 1958.

Authors Guild membership card, 1966
Richard Hofstadter's Authors Guild membership card, 1966.

Composition notebook containing notes for Richard Hofstadter's 1963 book, Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.

The American Republic: illustration from promotional material, page one
Illustrations from promotional materials for The American Republic, a history textbook by Richard Hofstadter, Daniel Aaron, and William Miller.

Das Land Lincolns:Cover
Lecture by Richard Hofstadter translated into German for a radio broadcast on Westdeutscher Rundfunk, December 4, 1959. Published by Amerika-Haus Köln, February 1960).

Current Biographyprofile photograph
Profile of Richard Hofstadter in Current Biography, October 1956.

Richard Hofstadter and A.J. Ayer, Toronto, 1967
Richard Hofstadter speaking with British philosopher A.J. Ayer in Toronto. Image appeared in the University of Toronto Graduate, April 1968.

Richard Hofstadter Discussing Thomas Cole, 1954
Audio recording of Richard Hofstadter discussing the nineteenth-century American landscape painter Thomas Cole on a 1964 broadcast of a radio program entitled "Perspectives in American Art." On the program, Hofstadter describes a work painted by Cole…

Memo from Eric L. McKitrick regarding research forThe Age of Reform(page one)
Notes taken by Eric L. McKitrick for Richard Hofstadter's The Age of Reform.

The English Octopus
This cartoon depicting the extent of the Rothschild family's control of the global economy was published in the Populist author William Hope Harvey's 1894 book, Coin's Financial School.

Pulitzer Prize recognition
Certificate from Columbia University in recognition of Richard Hofstadter's 1956 Pulitzer Prize, which was awarded for The Age of Reform.

The Age of Reform, Japanese edition (back cover)
Japanese edition of Richard Hofstadter's Age of Reform, printed in 1967.

Research Proposal, early 1950s
Research proposal sent by Richard Hofstadter to the Council for Research in the Social Sciences for a project to be called "The Significance of Status in American History."

High School Yearbook Photo
Yearbook photograph of Richard Hofstadter in the Fosdick-Masten Park High School Chronicle, 1933.

Cover page ofThe American Political Tradition, unpublished introduction.
The cover page of Richard Hofstadter's unpublished introduction to The American Political Tradition, with marginalia and drawings by the author.
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